High Capacity Material Handling: Can Your Fleet Handle It?
When it comes to moving big loads, cutting corners can cost you. H&K Equipment specializes in high capacity lift trucks from leading manufacturers that can do the jobs and withstand the environments that other trucks can't.
Is your forward-reaching log or pipe handling truck costing you?
If your application is in forestry, construction, or oil and gas , controlling costs isn't a good idea, it's a necessity. The Cary-Lift 154 , the most efficient rugged terrain lift truck in its class, puts your bottom line back into your operations.
How to source (and sell) rough terrain forklifts online
Need an easy platform to quickly list your inventory and rental fleet online? The Machinery Street Showroom is a simple tool for creating media-rich equipment listings attached to your website , and it integrates with the Forkliftaction Marketplace!
Sourcing Lift Trucks for High Capacity and Unique Applications
For 30 years H&K Equipment has specialized in sales, rentals, and service for high capacity and application-specific lift trucks. In 2014, H&K Equipment's expanded fleet of material handling equipment is filling key niches in a range of industries.
H&K Equipment Re-launches ElwellParker.com after Years Offline
H&K Equipment of Pittsburgh has announced that it has re-launched the corporate website of the Elwell-Parker Electric Company , a 120-year-old lift truck manufacturer formerly headquartered in Cleveland.
H&K Equipment Becomes the Newest Authorized Cushman Dealer
H&K Equipment of Pittsburgh has announced that it has become an authorized dealer of Cushman commercial and utility vehicles. Cushman, joins 10 other major material handling equipment manufacturers now represented by the dealer.
